Thursday, August 16, 2007

My Mom's sanctuary. She has put in many hours of hard work, but she loves it. It's cute how excited she gets when something is about to bloom. I am happy for her. Of course it worries me a little her working out in the heat they have been having. When she sent me these pictures she said it got up to 102 Hot Hot Hot. She says she waters in the morning so it is not as hot. My mom has the greenest thumb, I always tell her she can make a stick grow.
(She has actually done it)
Great Job Mom, it all looks beautiful.
Love ya,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Scheila, your pictures are beautiful, who would think all this beauty is growing in the missouri bootheel. I am lucky, Larry drilled a well for me, so I can water all day long. I have a hose under the pecan tree behind my garden shed spraying for the ducks and chickens. They love it and I water the tree at the same time. Yacky Doodle thinks he is a peacock now. Poor guy, doesn't know who his mama is. He is fitting in well with them, so I don't worry about him being lonely now. Love Ya, MoM


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