Thursday, July 5, 2007

Rick Lawrence

Hello All,

Well my dad just had open heart surgery Tuesday July 3rd. He needed to have the valve replaced in his heart. The heart surgery took 9 hours. Very long. After he was out of surgery he kept bleeding out more than they could put back in him so they had to go right back into surgery to find out what was causing the bleeding. They found it and fixed it. Was out of surgery by 11pm. So far so good. He is doing real well now.

Joella, my sister had been a real trooper, she has hardly left his side.

As of today he is still in CCU but doing very well.


She212 said...

He is doing real well.

Anonymous said...

Hello!!! This is the one and only sister-in-law. Rick Sr. should be going home on Sunday but who knows he keeps changing it. Scheila I'm sorry to hear about your sleep apnea (I think this is spelled right). I hope everything turns out well. I am always praying for you, my dad too. You know how religious my dad is so hopefully god is listening to him!!! Love you much, take care! Love, Anne


All comments or questions are welcomed.